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Brief description of the submodule

In this submodule, all of the functions used for training the models with domain adaptation (DANN) are described in detail.


Function to initialize U-Net and the discriminator that will be trained using UNet-DANN

Number of parameters for LoveDA using:

  • starter_channels = 16
  • attention = True
  • up_layer = 4
Part of the model# of parameters
Feature extractor1'103,524


  • n_channels: Number of channels of input images.
  • n_classes: Number of classes to be segmented on the images.
  • bilinear: Boolean used for upsamplimg method. (True: Bilinear is used. False: Transpose convolution is used.) [Default = True]
  • starter: Start number of channels of the UNet. [Default = 16]
  • up_layer: Upward step layer in which the U_Net is divided into Feature extractor and Classifier. [Default = 4]
  • attention: Boolean that describes if attention gates in the UNet will be used or not. [Default = True]
  • Love: Boolean to indicate if LoveDA dataset is being used.


  • network: U-Net+DANN architecture to be trained.

Dependencies used

import torch

from Models.U_Net import UNetDANN
from utils import get_training_device

Source code

def initialize_Unet_DANN(n_channels, n_classes, bilinear = True, starter = 16, up_layer = 4, attention = True, Love = False, grad_rev_w = 1):
Function to initialize U-Net and the discriminator that will be trained using UNet-DANN

- n_channels: Number of channels of input images.
- n_classes: Number of classes to be segmented on the images.
- bilinear: Boolean used for upsamplimg method. (True: Bilinear is used. False: Transpose convolution is used.) [Default = True]
- starter: Start number of channels of the UNet. [Default = 16]
- up_layer: Upward step layer in which the U_Net is divided into Feature extractor and Classifier. [Default = 4]
- attention: Boolean that describes if attention gates in the UNet will be used or not. [Default = True]

- network: U-Net+DANN architecture to be trained.
device = get_training_device()

# Calculate the number of features that go in the fully connected layers of the discriminator
if Love:
img_size = 256
img_size = 256

in_feat = (img_size//(2**4))**2 * starter*(2**3)

seed = 123
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False

network = UNetDANN(n_channels=n_channels, n_classes=n_classes, bilinear = bilinear, starter = starter, up_layer = up_layer, attention = attention, DA = True, in_feat = in_feat, grad_rev_w = grad_rev_w).to(device)

return network



  • net: Pytorch network that will be evaluated.
  • validate_loader: Validation (or Test) dataset with which the network will be evaluated.
  • loss_function: Loss function used to evaluate the network.
  • accu_function: Accuracy function used to evaluate the network.


  • metric: List with loss and accuracy values calculated for the validation/test dataset.

Dependencies used

import numpy as np
import torch

from utils import get_training_device, LOVE_resample_fly

Source code

def evaluate(net, validate_loader, loss_function, accu_function = BinaryF1Score(), Love = False, binary_love = False, revgrad = 1):
Function to evaluate the performance of a network on a validation data loader.

- net: Pytorch network that will be evaluated.
- validate_loader: Validation (or Test) dataset with which the network will be evaluated.
- loss_function: Loss function used to evaluate the network.
- accu_function: Accuracy function used to evaluate the network.

- metric: List with loss and accuracy values calculated for the validation/test dataset.

net.eval() # Set the model to evaluation mode
device = get_training_device()

f1_scores = []
losses = []

with torch.no_grad():
# Iterate over validate loader to get mean accuracy and mean loss
for i, Data in enumerate(validate_loader):

# The inputs and GT are obtained differently depending of the Dataset (LoveDA or our own DS)
if Love:
inputs = LOVE_resample_fly(Data['image'])
GTs = LOVE_resample_fly(Data['mask'])
if binary_love:
GTs = (GTs == 6).long()

inputs = Data[0]
GTs = Data[1]

inputs =
GTs = GTs.type(torch.long).squeeze().to(device)
pred = net(inputs, revgrad)[0]

f1 =

if (pred.max(1)[1].shape != GTs.shape):
GTs = GTs[None, :, :]

loss = loss_function(pred, GTs)/GTs.shape[0]

f1_score = f1(pred.max(1)[1], GTs)


metric = [np.nanmean(f1_scores), np.nanmean(losses)]

return metric


Function to carry out the training loop for UNet-DANN.

The implementation of DANN was based on the code found here.


  • source_domain Either str with name of the source domain ('IvoryCoast' or 'Tanzania') for own dataset or list with a str that has the name of the domain (['rural'] or ['urban']) for LoveDA dataset.
  • target_domain Either str with name of the target domain ('IvoryCoast' or 'Tanzania') for own dataset or list with a str that has the name of the domain (['rural'] or ['urban']) for LoveDA dataset.
  • DS_args List of arguments for dataset creation.
  • network_args List of arguments for neural network creation. (e.g. n_classes, bilinear, starter, up_layer, attention)
  • optim_args: List of arguments for the optimizer (e.g. Learning rates and momentum)
  • DA_args List of arguments for the application of domain adaptation (e.g. epochs, e_0, lambda_max)
  • Love default = False
  • binary_love default = False
  • seg_loss default = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
  • domain_loss default = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
  • accu_function default = BinaryF1Score()
λ=max(0,λmaxepoche0epochse0) \lambda = max\left(0, \lambda_{max} \cdot \frac{epoch - e_0}{epochs - e_0}\right)


Source code

def DANN_training_loop(source_domain, target_domain, DS_args, network_args, optim_args, DA_args, Love = False, binary_love = False, seg_loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), domain_loss = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(), accu_function = BinaryF1Score(), semi = False, semi_perc = 0.1):
Function to carry out the training of UNet-DANN.

- source_domain: Either str with name of the source domain ('IvoryCoast' or 'Tanzania') for own dataset or list with a str that has the name of the domain (['rural'] or ['urban']) for LoveDA dataset.
- target_domain: Either str with name of the target domain ('IvoryCoast' or 'Tanzania') for own dataset or list with a str that has the name of the domain (['rural'] or ['urban']) for LoveDA dataset.
- DS_args: List of arguments for dataset creation.
- For LoveDA: Should at least have: (batch_size, transforms, only_get_DS)
- For own dataset: Should at least have: (batch_size, transform, normalization, VI, only_get_DS)
- network_args: List of arguments for neural network creation. (e.g. n_classes, bilinear, starter, up_layer, attention)

device = get_training_device()

if Love:
if len(DS_args) < 3:
raise Exception("The length of DS_args should be equal or greater than 3. Check the documentation for LoveDA.")
source_DSs = get_LOVE_DataLoaders(source_domain, *DS_args)
target_DSs = get_LOVE_DataLoaders(target_domain, *DS_args)
n_channels = source_DSs[0].__getitem__(0)['image'].size()[-3]

if len(DS_args) < 5:
raise Exception("The length of DS_args should be equal or greater than 5. Check the documentation for own Dataset.")
source_DSs = get_DataLoaders(source_domain, *DS_args)
target_DSs = get_DataLoaders(target_domain, *DS_args)
n_channels = source_DSs[0].__getitem__(0)[0].size()[-3]

source_train_dataset = source_DSs[0]
target_train_dataset = target_DSs[0]
batch_size = DS_args[0]

# Calculate number of batch iterations using both domains (The number of times the smallest dataset will need to be re-used for training.)
source_n_batches = np.ceil(len(source_train_dataset)/(batch_size//2))
target_n_batches = np.ceil(len(target_train_dataset)/(batch_size//2))

n_batches = min(source_n_batches, target_n_batches)

batch_iterations = np.ceil(max(source_n_batches, target_n_batches) / n_batches)

# Create validation data loaders
source_val_loader =[1], batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)
target_val_loader =[1], batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)

# Initialize the networks to be trained and the optimizer
network = initialize_Unet_DANN(n_channels, *network_args)

weight_decay = 1e-4

if len(optim_args) == 3:
optim = torch.optim.SGD([{'params': network.FE.parameters(), 'lr': optim_args[0]},
{'params': network.C.parameters(), 'lr': optim_args[0]},
{'params': network.D.parameters(), 'lr': optim_args[1]},
], weight_decay = weight_decay, momentum = optim_args[2])
elif len(optim_args) > 1:
optim = torch.optim.Adam([{'params': network.FE.parameters(), 'lr': optim_args[0]},
{'params': network.C.parameters(), 'lr': optim_args[0]},
{'params': network.D.parameters(), 'lr': optim_args[1]},
], weight_decay = weight_decay)

optim = torch.optim.Adam([{'params': network.FE.parameters(), 'lr': optim_args[0]},
{'params': network.C.parameters(), 'lr': optim_args[0]},
{'params': network.D.parameters(), 'lr': optim_args[0]},
], weight_decay = weight_decay)

# Create empty lists where segementation accuracy in source dataset and segmentation and domain loss will be stored.
val_accuracy = []
val_disc_accu = []
val_accuracy_target = []
segmen_loss_l = []
train_accuracy_l = []
train_disc_accuracy_l = []
domain_loss_l = []

eps = []

source_loader =, batch_size=batch_size//2, shuffle=True)
target_loader =, batch_size=batch_size//2, shuffle=True)

if semi:
sub =, list(range(int(len(target_train_dataset)//(1/semi_perc)))))
target_loader_sub =, batch_size=batch_size//2, shuffle=True)

epochs, e_0, l_max = DA_args

for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs), desc = 'Training UNet-DANN model'):

batches = zip(source_loader, target_loader)
n_batches = min(len(source_loader), len(target_loader))

total_domain_loss = total_seg_accuracy = total_seg_loss = 0

revgrad = np.max([0, l_max*(epoch - e_0)/(epochs - e_0)])

for source, target in tqdm(batches, disable=True, total=n_batches):

if Love:
source_img = LOVE_resample_fly(source['image'])
source_msk = LOVE_resample_fly(source['mask'])

target_img = LOVE_resample_fly(target['image'])
target_msk = LOVE_resample_fly(target['mask'])

source_img = source[0]
source_msk = source[1][:,0,:,:].to(torch.int64)

target_img = target[0]
target_msk = target[1]

imgs =[source_img, target_img])
imgs =

domain_gt =[torch.ones(source_img.shape[0]),

domain_gt =
mask_gt =

features = network.FE(imgs)
dw = network.FE.DownSteps(imgs)

seg_preds = network.C(features, dw)
dom_preds = network.D(features, revgrad)

# Calculate the loss function
segmentation_loss = seg_loss(seg_preds[:source_img.shape[0]], mask_gt)
discriminator_loss = domain_loss(dom_preds.squeeze(), domain_gt)

if semi:

target_sub = next(iter(target_loader_sub))

semitarget_img = target_sub[0].to(device)
semitarget_gt = target_sub[1][:,0,:,:].to(torch.int64).to(device)

features = network.FE(semitarget_img)
dw = network.FE.DownSteps(semitarget_img)

semi_preds = network.C(features, dw)

seg_batch = seg_loss(semi_preds, semitarget_gt)

segmentation_loss += seg_batch

seg_imp = 1

# Total loss
loss = seg_imp*segmentation_loss + (2-seg_imp)*discriminator_loss

# set the gradients of the model to 0 and perform the backward propagation

total_domain_loss += discriminator_loss.item()
total_seg_loss += segmentation_loss.item()
accu_function =
accu = accu_function(seg_preds[:source_img.shape[0]].max(1)[1], mask_gt)
total_seg_accuracy += accu.item()

dom_loss = total_domain_loss / n_batches
segmentation_loss = total_seg_loss / n_batches
seg_accuracy = total_seg_accuracy / n_batches

print('dom_loss, seg_loss, seg_accu', dom_loss, segmentation_loss, seg_accuracy)

if (epoch//10 == epoch/10):
#After 4 epochs, reduce the learning rate by a factor
optim.param_groups[0]['lr'] *= 0.75
oa_val = 1
# evaluate_disc(network, [source_loader, target_val_loader], device, Love)

# Evaluate network on validation dataset
f1_val, loss_val = evaluate(network, source_val_loader, seg_loss, accu_function, Love, binary_love, revgrad)

f1_val_target, loss_val_target = evaluate(network, target_val_loader, seg_loss, accu_function, Love, binary_love, revgrad)

#update values in DS_args for cosine similarity computation
# DS_args[-3] = False
# DS_args[-2] = 0.025
# DS_args[-1] = 0.025

eps.append(epoch + 1)

# Selection of best model so far using validation dataset.
# Relative importance of segmentation over discrimination (0 to 5)
rel_imp_seg = 3

overall = ((5-rel_imp_seg)*(dom_loss) + rel_imp_seg*(f1_val))/5

print('disc_accu, f1val, overall', oa_val, f1_val, overall)

if epoch == 0:
best_model_f1 = f1_val
best_oa = oa_val
best_overall = overall
target_f1 = f1_val_target, '')
best_network = network
if best_overall < overall:
best_model_f1 = f1_val
best_oa = oa_val
best_overall = overall
target_f1 = f1_val_target, '')
best_network = network

if epoch == e_0:
best_DA_f1 = f1_val, '')
best_network = network
elif epoch > e_0:
if best_DA_f1 < f1_val:
best_DA_f1 = f1_val, '')
best_network = network

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (7,5))

plt.plot(eps, segmen_loss_l, '-k', label = 'Segmentation loss')
plt.plot(eps, domain_loss_l, '-r', label = 'Domain loss')
plt.plot(eps, train_accuracy_l, '--g', label = 'Train segmentation accuracy')
plt.axvline(x = e_0, color = 'darkred', label = 'e_0')

plt.plot(eps, val_accuracy, label = 'Source domain val accuracy')
plt.plot(eps, val_accuracy_target, label = 'Target domain val accuracy')
# plt.plot(eps, val_disc_accu, label = 'Discrimination accuracy')
# plt.plot(eps, train_disc_accuracy_l, '--y', label = 'Train discriminator accuracy')



fig.savefig('DANN_Training.png', dpi = 100)

training_list = pd.DataFrame([eps, segmen_loss_l, domain_loss_l, train_accuracy_l, val_accuracy, val_accuracy_target, val_disc_accu])

training_list.to_csv('Training_loop.csv'), '')

return best_model_f1, target_f1, best_overall, best_network, training_list


Aggregating function to run all of the functions meant to train a model with domain adaptation (Source domain = Ivory coast and Target domain = Tanzania).



Source code

def train_full_DANN():

DS_args = [8, get_transforms(), 'Linear_1_99', True, True, None, None]

## Related to the network
n_classes = 2
bilinear = True
sts = 16
up_layer = 4
att = True

network_args = [n_classes, bilinear, sts, up_layer, att]

lr_s = 0.0001
lr_d = 0.0001

optim_args = [lr_s, lr_d]

epochs = 80
e_0 = 40
l_max = 0.1

DA_args = [epochs, e_0, l_max]

best_model_f1, target_f1, best_overall, best_network, training_list = DANN_training_loop('IvoryCoastSplit1', 'TanzaniaSplit1', DS_args, network_args, optim_args, DA_args, seg_loss = FocalLoss(4))