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Brief description of the submodule

In this submodule the code used for evaluating the performance of the domain adaptation methods is explained.


Function to calculate cosine simmilarity between features extracted in source and target domain.


  • source_F: Features extracted from source domain
  • target_F: Features extracted from target domain


  • cos: Mean cosine similarity between features extracted on both domains.


from torch import nn

Source code

def cosine_sim(source_F, target_F):
Function to calculate cosine simmilarity between features extracted in source and target domain.

- source_F: Features extracted from source domain
- target_F: Features extracted from target domain

- cos: Numeric value of cosine similarity

COS = nn.CosineSimilarity(dim = 1, eps = 1e-6)

cos = COS(torch.tensor(source_F), torch.tensor(target_F)).mean()

return cos.numpy()


Function to calculate de euclidean distance between a vector of features extracted from source and target domain.


  • source_F: Features extracted from source domain
  • target_F: Features extracted from target domain


  • euc_dist: Numeric value of eulidean distance

Dependencies used

import torch

Source code

def euc_dist(source_F, target_F):
Function to calculate de euclidean distance between vector of features extracted from source and target domain.

- source_F: Features extracted from source domain
- target_F: Features extracted from target domain

- euc_dist: Numeric value of eulidean distance

source_F = torch.tensor(source_F)
target_F = torch.tensor(target_F)

euc_dist = torch.cdist(source_F, target_F).mean()

return euc_dist


Function to get the features extrcted from a specific neural network on both the source and target domain.


  • source_domain: Source domain from which the features will be extracted
  • target_domain: Target domain from which the features will be extracted
  • DS_args: List of arguments of the dataset of bothe the source and target domain (i.e. [batch_size, transforms, normalization, Vegetation_Indices, Only_DS True if model has DA])
  • network: Torch network
  • network_filename: Filename of the model to be used.
  • Love: Boolean to indicate the use of LoveDA dataset
  • cos_int: Boolean to indicate if the calculation of cosine similarity should be done on the go
  • euc_int: Boolean to indicate if the calculation of euclidean distance should be done on the go


  • Either a metric if cos_int or euc_int are not False
  • Or the Features extracted and sample images

Dependencies used

import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np

from Dataset.ReadyToTrain_DS import get_LOVE_DataLoaders, get_DataLoaders
from utils import get_training_device

Source code

device = get_training_device()

if network == None:
network = torch.load(network_filename, map_location = device)

if Love:
source_loaders = get_LOVE_DataLoaders(source_domain, *DS_args)
target_loaders = get_LOVE_DataLoaders(target_domain, *DS_args)

source_loaders = get_DataLoaders(source_domain, *DS_args)
target_loaders = get_DataLoaders(target_domain, *DS_args)

n_batches = min(len(source_loaders[0]), len(target_loaders[0]))

batches = enumerate(zip(source_loaders[0], target_loaders[0]))

cos = 0

if cos_int or euc_int:
d = 'Calculating distance metric'
d = 'Getting features extracted'

num_imgs = 4

for i in tqdm(range(n_batches), desc = d):

k, (source, target) = next(batches)

if Love:
source_input = LOVE_resample_fly(source['image']).to(device)
target_input = LOVE_resample_fly(target['image']).to(device)
source_input = source[0].to(device)
target_input = target[0].to(device)

max_batch_size = np.min([source_input.shape[0], target_input.shape[0]])

s_features = network.FE(source_input)[:max_batch_size].flatten(start_dim = 1).cpu().detach().numpy()
t_features = network.FE(target_input)[:max_batch_size].flatten(start_dim = 1).cpu().detach().numpy()

if i == 0:
s_imgs = source_input[:num_imgs]
# s_feats = s_features[:num_imgs]
t_imgs = target_input[:num_imgs]
# t_feats = t_features[:num_imgs]

if cos_int:
cos += cosine_sim(s_features, t_features)
elif euc_int:
cos += euc_dist(s_features, t_features)
if i == 0:
source_F = np.array(s_features)
target_F = np.array(t_features)
source_F = np.append(source_F, s_features, axis = 0)
target_F = np.append(target_F, t_features, axis = 0)

cos /= n_batches

if cos_int or euc_int:
return cos
return source_F, target_F, s_imgs, t_imgs


Function to visualize the features extracted for source and target domains.


  • source_F: Features extracted from source domain
  • target_F: Features extracted from target domain

Dependencies used

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Source code

def tSNE_source_n_target(source_F, target_F):
Function to visualize the features extracted for source and target domains.

X = np.append(source_F[:, :200000], target_F[:, :200000], axis = 0)

domains = ['Source'] * source_F.shape[0] + ['Target'] * target_F.shape[0]

comps = 2

tsne = TSNE(comps, random_state = 123, perplexity = 50)

tsne_X = tsne.fit_transform(X)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize = (7,4.5))

sns.scatterplot(x = tsne_X[:,0], y = tsne_X[:,1], hue = domains, ax = ax, palette = ['darkblue', 'darkred'])


fig.savefig('t_SNE_simple.png', dpi = 200)

for i in range(4):
ax.scatter(x = tsne_X[i,0], y = tsne_X[i,1], s = 250, c = 'blue', zorder = -1)
ax.text(x = tsne_X[i,0], y = tsne_X[i,1], s = str(i+1), color = 'white')
ax.scatter(x = tsne_X[source_F.shape[0] + i,0], y = tsne_X[source_F.shape[0] + i,1], s = 250, c = 'red', zorder = -1)
ax.text(x = tsne_X[source_F.shape[0] + i,0], y = tsne_X[source_F.shape[0]+ i,1], s = str(i+1), color = 'white')


fig.savefig('t_SNE.png', dpi = 200)

return tsne_X