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Brief description of the submodule

The process followed to get the dataset used for the analysis can be found here. However, this submodule can be used to perform the same process faster. Here, we download 256x256 images directly from google earth engine to the local machine. The script is inspired on the publication Fast(er) Downloads from Noel Gorelick. This method makes use of the high volume API from google earth engine.


Function to divide a geojson using the K-Means clustering algorithm and return one of the clusters.


  • geo_fn: (str) Filename of the geojson
  • chunks: (int) Number of chunks in which the geojson will be divided.
  • get_iter: (int) Number of the chunk that will be returned by the function.
  • split: (str) Split of the dataset. It can be either train, validation or test.


  • gdf (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) GeoDataFrame subset of the original geojson.

Dependencies used

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd

Source code

def perform_KMeans(geo_fn, chunks, get_iter = 0, split = 'train'):
Function to divide a geojson using the K-Means clustering algorithm and return one of the clusters.

- geo_fn: (str) Filename of the geojson
- chunks: (int) Number of chunks in which the geojson will be divided.
- get_iter: (int) Number of the chunk that will be returned by the function.
- split: (str) Split of the dataset. It can be either train, validation or test.

- gdf: (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) GeoDataFrame subset of the original geojson.

gdf = gpd.read_file(geo_fn)

gdf = gdf[gdf['split'] == split]

kmeans = KMeans(chunks, random_state = 10)
centroids = pd.DataFrame([gdf.centroid.x, gdf.centroid.y]).T
labels = kmeans.fit_predict(centroids)

gdf = gdf[labels == get_iter]

gdf['cashew'] = 1

return gdf



  • gdf: (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) GeoDataFrame subset of the original geojson. This is the resulting gdf from perform_KMeans()


  • image: (ee.Image) Image that will be downloaded in smaller patches.
  • bound: (ee.Geometry) Region of the image that will be downloaded. This geometry will be used to get the central points of the patches.

Dependencies used

import ee
import pandas as pd

Source code

def get_img_n_bounds(gdf):
Function to get the ee.Image and the area of interest. These are the ones that will be downloaded in smaller patches.

- gdf: (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) GeoDataFrame subset of the original geojson.

- image: (ee.Image) Image that will be downloaded in smaller patches.
- bound: (ee.Geometry) Region of the image that will be downloaded. This geometry will be used to get the central points of the patches.

params = pd.read_table('Track_params.txt', delimiter = ', ', engine='python')

for i in range(len(params)):
globals()[params['Param'].iloc[i]] = params['value'].iloc[i]

Pl = (ee.ImageCollection(platform)
.filterDate(date_beg, date_end)
.select(['B','G','R', 'N'])

bound = ee.Geometry.BBox(*tuple(gdf.dissolve().bounds.iloc[0])).buffer(2000)

images = img : img.clip(bound))

proj = images.first().projection()

image = images.median().reproject(proj.getInfo()['crs'], proj.getInfo()['transform'])

return image, bound


Function to append the labels (Ground truths) as an additional band to the image that will be downloaded.


  • img: (ee.Image) Image gotten from GEE that will be downloaded.
  • gdf: (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) Geodataframe with the labels that will be appended.


  • image_with_labels: (ee.Image) Image with an extra band in which the labels have been appended.

Dependencies used

import ee
import geemap

Source code

def append_label(img, gdf):
Function to append the labels (Ground truths) as an additional band to the image that will be downloaded.

- img: (ee.Image) Image gotten from GEE that will be downloaded.
- gdf: (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) Geodataframe with the labels that will be appended.

- image_with_labels: (ee.Image) Image with an extra band in which the labels have been appended.
feat = geemap.geopandas_to_ee(gdf)

rasterized = feat.reduceToImage(['cashew'], ee.Reducer.max())

reprojected = rasterized.reproject(img.projection().getInfo()['crs'], img.projection().getInfo()['transform'])

image_with_labels = img.addBands(reprojected)

return image_with_labels


Function to get distance between centroids of patches that will be downloaded. This value will depend on the percentage of overlap desired.


  • overlap: (float) Percentage of overlap (Number between 0 and 1)


  • distance: (float) Distance between centroids of patches.

Source code

def get_point_distance(overlap = 0.5):
Function to get distance between centroids of patches that will be downloaded. This value will depend on the percentage of overlap desired.

- overlap: (float) Percentage of overlap (Number between 0 and 1)

- distance: (float) Distance between centroids of patches.


distance = 4.77*256*(1-overlap)

return distance


Function to get the centroids of all of the patches that will be downloaded.



  • points (dict) Dictionary with the coordinates of the centroids

Dependencies used

import ee

Source code

def getRequests():
Function to get the centroids of all of the patches that will be downloaded.


- point: (dict) Dictionary with the coordinates of the centroids
proj =[0]).projection()

latlon = ee.Image.pixelLonLat()

coords =['longitude', 'latitude']).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.toList(), region, distance)
lat = ee.List(coords.get('latitude'))
lon = ee.List(coords.get('longitude'))

point_list =
points = ee.FeatureCollection( point : ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point(point))))

buffs = point : point.buffer(params['buffer'])).filterBounds(feat)

points = points.filterBounds(buffs)
points = points.aggregate_array('.geo').getInfo()

return points


Function to get the download url of the image from GEE and download it.



Source code

@retry(tries=10, delay=1, backoff=2)
def getResult(index, point):
point = ee.Geometry.Point(point['coordinates'])
region = point.buffer(params['buffer']).bounds()

if params['format'] in ['png', 'jpg']:
url = image.getThumbURL(
'region': region,
'dimensions': params['dimensions'],
'format': params['format'],
url = image.getDownloadURL(
'region': region,
'dimensions': params['dimensions'],
'format': params['format'],

if params['format'] == "GEO_TIFF":
ext = 'tif'
ext = params['format']

r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
if r.status_code != 200:

out_dir = os.path.abspath(params['out_dir'])
basename = str(index+init_ind).zfill(5)
filename = f"{out_dir}/{params['prefix']}{basename}.{ext}"
with open(filename, 'wb') as out_file:
shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, out_file)
print("Done: ", basename)

How to run the script

In order to run this script it is necessary to follow some guidelines.

  • All code related to the parallellization of the image download, should be the only code inside the if __name__ == '__main__': section. e.g.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    items = getRequests()

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(params['processes'])
    pool.starmap(getResult, enumerate(items))

  • The functions to get the images and the region of interested (All except, getRequests and getResult). Need to be run in the script, outside the if __name__ == '__main__': section.
      geo_fn = 'example.geojson'
    split = 'train'

    init_ind = 0

    if 'TNZ' in geo_fn:
    domain = 'Tanzania'
    domain = 'IvoryCoast'

    fold = geo_fn.split('.')[-2][-1]

    gdf = perform_KMeans(geo_fn, 4, 0, split)

    feat = geemap.geopandas_to_ee(gdf)

    image, region = get_img_n_bounds(gdf)

    image = append_label(image, gdf)

    distance = get_point_distance(0.8)

    params = {
    'buffer': (4.77*256)//2, # The buffer distance (m) around each point
    'scale': 100, # The scale to do stratified sampling
    'seed': 1, # A randomization seed to use for subsampling.
    'dimensions': '256x256', # The dimension of each image chip
    'format': "GEO_TIFF", # The output image format, can be png, jpg, ZIPPED_GEO_TIFF, GEO_TIFF, NPY
    'prefix': domain+'_'+split+'_imgs_', # The filename prefix
    'processes': 16, # How many processes to used for parallel processing
    'out_dir': 'Chips/'+domain+'/fold'+fold+'/'+split, # The output directory. Default to the current working directly