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Brief description of the submodule

This submodule contains the function used to split the datasets into train, test and validation splits and visualize them.


Function to split both datasets into train, validation and test spatially. The function uses K-Means clustering with x, y coordinates to split the data in groups of polygons roughly as (60% Training, 20% Validation and 20% Test.)


  • gdf: (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) Dataframe with the complete dataset.
  • seed: (int) Seed to ensure replicabilty of kmeans clustering.
  • cluster: (int) Number of clusters to get from K-means algorithm
  • splits: (list) List with values of approximate percentage wanted to get per split. Order goes [train, validation, test].


  • gdf: (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) GeoDataFrame with an additional feature ('split') with the split to which the polygon belongs (Train, Validation or Test).

Dependencies used

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import pandas as pd

Source code

def split_data(gdf, seed, clusters = 10, splits = [50,25,25]):
Function to split both datasets into train, validation and test spatially. The function uses K-Means clustering with x, y coordinates to split the data in groups of polygons roughly as (60% Training, 20% Validation and 20% Test.)

- gdf: GeoDataFrame with the complete dataset.
- seed: (int) Seed to ensure replicabilty of kmeans clustering.
- cluster: (int) Number of clusters to get from K-means algorithm
- splits: (list) List with values of approximate percentage wanted to get per split. Order goes \[train, validation, test\]. Expected values between 0 and 100.

- gdf: GeoDataFrame with an additional feature ('split') with the split to which the polygon belongs (Train, Validation or Test).
gdf.geometry = gdf.make_valid()

# Get centroids
centroids = pd.DataFrame([gdf.centroid.x, gdf.centroid.y]).T

# Get the clusters with K-Means.
kmeans = KMeans(clusters, random_state = seed)

labels = kmeans.fit_predict(centroids)

clusters = np.max(labels) + 1

gdf['split'] = 'train'
gdf['split'][labels > clusters//(100/splits[0])] = 'validation'
gdf['split'][labels > clusters//(100/(splits[0] + splits[1]))] = 'test'

return gdf


Function to plot the train, validation and test splits previously created using k-means clustering.


  • gdf: (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) DataFrame with the data splitted in train, validation and test.
  • filename: (str) Name of the output file where the plot will be saved.
  • title: (str) Title to be shown in the figure.
  • kde: (boolean) Boolean to determine if kernel density of the polygons will be plotted or not.


Dependencies used

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
import contextily as cnx
import seaborn as sns

Source code

def plot_splits(gdf, filename = '', title = 'Title', kde = False):
Function to plot the splits created using k-means clustering.

- gdf: (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) DataFrame with the data splitted in train, validation and test.
- filename: (str) Name of the output file where the plot will be saved.
- title: (str) Title to be shown in the figure.
- kde: (boolean) Boolean to determine if kernel density of the polygons will be plotted or not.


fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize = (15,15))

col = {'train' : 'red', 'validation' : 'blue', 'test' : 'green'}

gdf.plot(color = [col[i] for i in gdf['split']],
legend = True,
ax = ax)

legend_elements = [Patch(facecolor='red', label='Color Patch'),
Patch(facecolor='blue', label='Color Patch'),
Patch(facecolor='green', label='Color Patch')]

if kde:
sns.kdeplot(x = gdf.centroid.x, y = gdf.centroid.y,
hue = gdf.split, thresh = 0.05,
fill = True, levels = 40,
palette = ['red', 'blue', 'green'])

['train', 'validation', 'test'],
fontsize = 12,
title = 'split',
loc = 'upper right')

cnx.add_basemap(ax = ax,
crs =,
source = cnx.providers.Esri.WorldStreetMap)


if len(filename) != 0: